Lappe's Bee Supply is where to buy free shipping beekeeping supplies, quality products and beekeeping equipment for sale for beekeepers and keeping bees in the United States. Our company offers 8 frame and 10 frame Langstroth bee hive components, such as screened bottom boards and solid bottom boards, metal queen excluders and plastic queen excluders, telescoping lids and inner covers. We also sell additional beekeeping equipment, such as assembled wooden bee hive frames and plastic one piece beehive frames, and you can also find unassembled frames and unassembled hive bodies and honey supers in our online store. Lappe's Bee Supply is also proud to offer Pierco beeswax coated plastic foundation. Pierco foundation is the highest quality foundation available in the USA. Each sheet of the Pierco brand foundation has a heavy wax coating of pure beeswax that is comparable to a triple bees wax coating, which makes the worker bees in the bee colony pull the foundation out more quickly and more evenly. We invite you to try out this premium beeswax foundation today - we guarantee you'll like it!
We offer free ground shipping on orders over $100 to the lower 48 United States, including Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming. No matter if you are running a colony of bees for honey production, backyard beekeeping for pollination, or you keep beehives on a much larger scale as a commercial beekeeper, Lappe's has the beekeeping supply that you need to become a producer of your own very sweet honey!
If you are near us around East Peru, stop on in and see us! We are located at 117 Florence Avenue, East Peru IA 50222, just off of Highway G68, directly to the West of the Main part of town. Our back entrance is just off of Brown St. We are 45 minutes Southwest of Des Moines Iowa. We can also be reached by phone during business hours at 641-728-4361, or send us an email to workerbee@lappesbeesupply.com. We are always happy to talk with you! Learn how to become a producer of sweet honey from Lappe's Bee Supply! Regardless if you are located in the Midwest, the West Coast, the East Coast, the Southern States, or the Mountain areas in between in the USA, we have the beekeeping supplies and bee hives you need! We want to help you on your long, exciting journey in every way that we can to be well educated and get into the fast lane for successful beekeeping!